RULES TO LIVE BY WHEN SUPPORTING A KARAOKE HOST OR VENUE: (By KJ Tommy Hurrikane) : Call Me Ozz-Monthly Karaoke Newsletter


by Ozz on 05/28/13

-- U don't have to be a SINGER to support OR to even have a good TIME
-- Arrive early to get requests in & keep singing rotation moving smoothly
-- Arriving early ALSO helps dress up the venue for "walk ins"
-- If at ALL possible, try to avoid songs longer than say 4:30, ESPECIALLY towards the end of the nite when MORE people are acheiving THEIR level of "courage"
-- Try & be more like the opposite of the normal person who would "fill out a comment card"...... Leave as much feedback about POSITIVE experiences u have rather than focus on negatives
-- If u need "liquid courage" to perform, don't WAIT 'til ur at that level & expect the KJ to magically be able to spring u forward in the rotation...... In particular if it's busy -- if there is a large number of singers, submit ur request, then by the time it's ur TURN, u'll have "the courage"

Colleagues & anybody remotely in the biz, does this about cover it?? Feel free to add anything i may have neglected in the comments & SHARE!!!!

Comments (17)

1. Elizabeth Galvez said on 5/28/13 - 06:46PM
Elizabeth Galvez Actually my least favorite are the singers who brag about their own "talents".
2. Elizabeth Galvez said on 5/28/13 - 06:47PM
Elizabeth Galvez well said! especially the "spend money and tip" we will lose our gigs if our guests don't spend money. may i the singers, clap when they are done. whether they are good, or you're just glad it's over
3. Roberta Cordova said on 5/28/13 - 06:48PM
Roberta Cordova This should be posted oat the door of all karaoke venues
4. Kammo's Karaoke said on 5/28/13 - 06:50PM
Kammo's Karaoke Clap after every performer NO MATTER WHAT! It makes for a much more enjoyable atmosphere..
5. Tommy Hurrikane said on 5/28/13 - 06:51PM
Tommy Hurrikane @Kammo it keeps the overall positive energy going throughout as well -- good call buddy!
6. Tommy Hurrikane said on 5/28/13 - 06:52PM
Tommy Hurrikane Oh here's one for clients with more flexible schedules...... Feel FREE to ask when and/or where the most help may be needed
7. Tommy Hurrikane said on 5/28/13 - 06:52PM
Tommy Hurrikane But THAT may just be for closer friends
8. Michael Montoya said on 5/28/13 - 06:53PM
Michael Montoya Always tip you KJ remember they have bills too!!!
9. Eleana Kloc said on 5/28/13 - 06:53PM
Eleana Kloc Dont be judgemental
10. Michael Montoya said on 5/28/13 - 06:54PM
Michael Montoya If you think you are better then any performer.... WELL THEN WHERE IS YOUR CONTRACT????
11. Bunny said on 5/28/13 - 06:55PM
Holly Bunny Monroe Respect the KJ. They have a lot of work to do in a short amount of time. You don't need to ask every 5 minutes when it is your turn.
12. Rachel Esquibel said on 5/28/13 - 06:55PM
Rachel Esquibel Have fun, enjoy your self, and don't boo!
13. Clarissa Ulibarri said on 5/28/13 - 06:56PM
Clarissa Ulibarri Make it fun and special, it is the experience that these people are coming in for. They want that fun, awesome experience they can tell others about or joke around of how bad they were but how enjoyable it was..
14. Tommy Hurrikane said on 5/28/13 - 06:56PM
Tommy Hurrikane I FORGOT PERHAPS THE BIGGEST ONE...... Omg, CARDINAL sin -- the absolute WORST thing anybody could tell a host of any kind is "can u do it soon cuz i have to leave"...... I don't care WHAT the count is, that's an automatic strike THREE!! Our job is to keep people THERE -- not to accomodate someone, OUT OF TURN by the way, in order for them to take their party & leave without spending any more money.....
15. DJ Speed Racer said on 5/28/13 - 06:57PM
Jonathan Lemke Alright I'll add something...1 DO NOT EVER LET ME HEAR YOU TALK SHIT ABOUT ANYONE SINGIN A SONG! You are not and will never be the best singer in the world therefore you have and will never have the right to make fun, talk shit or what have you! It's already hard enough for some to get on the mic and you think you got more balls than the person singin! WRONG! 2 Someone I know stated that a KJ doesn't have control over the people at his/her own gigs!! I call bull shit and I proved it last week! Nobody was clapping so I simply got on the mic and said " Ok so it seems nobody knows how to clap,it takes balls to get on the mic and sing and obviously you ain't got balls enough to clap so why don't you make like Vegas and get the clap when I tell you give it up for so and so!!" That is all..
16. DJ Speed Racer said on 5/28/13 - 06:58PM
Jonathan Lemke Someone I know also said KJ's DO
17. DJ Shua said on 5/28/13 - 06:58PM
Joshua Plata I would say don't expect too much if your puttin in a song at one a.m. just saying. I like the spend money part. If your not there to support the bar u shouldn't be there at all

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Newsletter And Reviews-8/1/18

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