Is your karaoke legal? Live Feed 5/16/18
by Ozz on 05/29/18
Karafun-Not actual originals
Extended Catalog must obtain permission from the original artist, ascap, bmi, sesac etc
One subscription per room (Venue)
Can only DL 1,000 songs for a playlist
Otherwise must have solid internet
subscriptions: $10 Per month-Personal/$5.99 two day party pass/$129.99 Professional per month per venue
You Tube-Absolutely not allowed broadcasting commercially
T&C Section 4d: You must obtain YT permission in order to broadcast their logo, TM,
Name or ads contained within.
T&C Section 5b: You shall not broadcast without YT & the video owners consent.
ASCAP-Responsibility of the venue owner to cover all copy written music including TV (Because
A CW song may appear on the TV). The KJ, DJ, Bands, Etc do not have to have
ASCAP coverage, as you are a contractor under the umbrella of the venue.
BMI & SESCA are the same as ASCAP, they cover different artists, so a venue must have all three.
SOUND CHOICE: After suing many of their customers for many years and millions of dollars after
They went out of business; they finally began losing lawsuits for copy write infringement
So they then resorted to suing KJs on the grounds of Trademark infringement because
They claimed their logo at the end of a song brought confusion to the public that they
Were the KJ Company, they finally lost a suit in Florida, and so far has caused them to
Cease and desist.
CMO can only support venues that are legal. Venues that do not legally run karaoke cannot be
on CMO.