2019 New Mexico State Fair Karaoke Showcase Season Sponsorship Opportunity
When you help sponsor the 2018 NMSF Karaoke Showcase with Call Me Ozz, you are helping a great community event.
That helps many people build confidence and hope. Your business or name will be included in the sponsorship page, and in the nightly program at the NMSF Karaoke Showcase.
You will receive advertising on the Call Me Ozz website for the value of your sponsorship.
You also get a mention at each venue, video, and program. There is also a deadline to each mention(s).
Auto texting allows callmeozz to efficiently send messages and reminders to participants involved in the showcase season. With the amount of contestants we have every year, this is essential towards ensuring a smooth and large turnout!
This is Ozz’s trademark at these events. Each night he will load his microphone stand with 7 bandannas to be released into the crowd each night. 77 Bandannas are needed. You may sponsor this segment in the amount of $154.00 or provide the bandannas with your logo on them.
MENTORS: The Mentors have become one of the most essential part of the success of the entire Showcase Season. They help the contestants navigate through this massive competition and make it to the big stage. They receive a very small amount of compensation for their hard work, but nowhere near what they are worth. You may sponsor any amount in $150 increments and the amount will be divided equally amongst each of them.
PARADE FLOAT: Each year at least 37,000 flock the street of Central Ave to enjoy the NM State Fair Parade. We have participated every year, and our live karaoke float gets more recognition than almost any other float. Only the best singers sing on board and we draw attention of thousands of people. Your banner will fly on the float with us as sponsor. To sponsor the Float, you will invest $500 which includes the banner promoting your business on each side of the Float.
These handout cards are used to promote the audition nights at the various participating venues. They are handed out to singers to become potential contestants at the karaoke showcase.
Hardware to transfer videos for the champions
HARDWARE TO TRANSFER VIDEOS TO THE CHAMPIONS: We supply the champions with videos of their final performance at the Fair. These videos are placed on Thumb Drives. Your business logo will appear at the beginning of the videos. You may sponsor this segment in the amount of $150.
MEALS FOR OZZ AT THE FAIR: Yes, Ozz must eat! During the Fair, Ozz is at the Fair from Noon-11pm everyday making sure everything is running smooth. During that time, he must eat! If you have a food booth at the Fair, you may sponsor this segment in all or part that he may eat at your food booth at no charge, and that value will be computed into advertising trade, or you may sponsor this segment for $220.
Fill out an application form to have CallMeOzz contact you for your sponsorship!
Client Name:
Business Name:
Contact Phone Number:
Email Address:
Street Address:
City, State and Zip:
What type of sponsorship are you interested in?
Any other Questions or Comments?
When you help sponsor the 2018 NMSF Karaoke Showcase with Call Me Ozz, you are helping a great community event.
That helps many people build confidence and hope. Your business or name will be included in the sponsorship page, and in the nightly program at the NMSF Karaoke Showcase.
You will receive advertising on the Call Me Ozz website for the value of your sponsorship.
You also get a mention at each venue, video, and program. There is also a deadline to each mention(s).
MISCELLANEOUS AWARDS: We supply advertising awards for the best venue and best KJ during the qualifying season. However. We like to give additional awards and to top performing contestants. You sponsor this segment in amount in $50 increments.
MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT: There will be some miscellaneous equipment needed but not always directly known each day for the karaoke showcase. By contributing, you are giving everyone the best experience with keeping all electronic assets functioning and working smoothly. You sponsor this segment in amount in $50 increments.
The promotional posters are placed all the participating venues to alert their customer that this is a participating venue and will be hosting an audition night.
SPECIAL GUESTS: Special Guests are featured in the New Mexico State Fair Karaoke Showcase and are hired for their time! Contributing to this fund ensures that we have extra special guests at the fair. You may contribute in $50 increments.
Tablets are essential at the New Mexico State Fair Karaoke Showcase to enter, track, and date information pertinent to the Showcase. Contributing to this fund ensures that we can quickly and efficiently running the event electronically.
Top KJ's are awarded cash or prizes for their persistent and hard-working dedication towards the Karaoke Showcase. Contributing to this fund ensures a good reward for their time.
Top Venues are awarded cash or prizes for their persistent and hard-working dedication towards the Karaoke Showcase. Contributing to this fund ensures a good reward for their time.
Videographers are popular at massive events such as the Karaoke Showcase. Contributing to this fund ensures quality video performances of the contestants at the New Mexico State Fair Karaoke Showcase, and paid videographers for their time and dedication.
New Mexico
State Fair
Karaoke Showcase
New Mexico
State Fair
Karaoke Showcase
CAN’T DECIDE? No worries, you may sponsor in any amount and then let us decide where we need the funding most and we will let you know! Complete exclusive sponsorship: $12,000.
Welcome to the New Mexico State Fair Karaoke Showcase Sponsorships page!
Here we have a large selection of sponsorships you can participate in to help promote the success of the 2019 Karaoke Showcase!
The 2019 New Mexico State Fair/Call Me Ozz Karaoke Showcase is right around the corner! And now comes the opportunity to get your business in front of thousands of new clients for the 11 days of the Fair!
Each year, the Karaoke Showcase Season gets bigger and bigger. This year we are experiences record contestants and record attendance in the venues to support the contestants and are expecting the same to happen at the Fair this year. The Fair is also expecting record turn outs as well which means more people to hear about your business.
As with the growth of the showcase, so does the expenses. 43% of the total expense is covered by the Fair. 20% of the total expense is covered by the participating venues. The other 37% comes from sponsorships.
We set up sponsorship opportunities to cover specific details for the Showcase. Listed below are those details. You may sponsor a segment in cash or donation of materials if applicable. The value of the sponsorship is then traded in advertising on the Call Me Ozz website. The trade value is then doubled. So, if you sponsor a $150 item, you will receive $300 in advertising credit. Additionally, you will receive two ad spots on the 2019 NM State Fair Karaoke Showcase section of the website, which in the 45 days will receive over 5,000 views. Additionally, your sponsorship will be marked on the sponsorship page of the website, you will be mentioned as a sponsor on the live show and recognized at the NM State Fair during the showcase and listed in the nightly program at the Fair. Some sponsorships may also include additional markings such as banners. You may donate by clicking on the CLICK HERE button, or may fill out the form at the bottom of this page to have a Call Me Ozz representative contact you for further sponsorships. If you are an individual, you may sponsor a section and donate your advertising credit to a business or a charity of your choice as well.
Thank you for your consideration for supporting the karaoke community of New Mexico. It is greatly appreciated.

Submitting a falsified form is fraud
MAIN PAVILION BANNER: During the Fair, we have exclusive permission to hang a banner on the Main Pavilion which displays all the participating venues, and the schedule of events for the entire Fair on the Main Pavilion from 5:00pm-10:30pm. The banner remains hung everyday of the Fair all day and night long. An estimated 300,000 view the banner during the entire Fair. Your business name is listed on the banner. We will also have a banner hanging from the Podium during the showcase of the Call Me Ozz Logo which also will display your name. You may sponsor this segment in the amount of $250.00.
CELEBRATION CAKES: The celebration cakes are produced by Britt’s Sweet Shop. We have a minimum budget of $200. We like to make it bigger and better. In order to provide a higher standard of cakes such as cake pops or cupcake cakes, we need an additional $300. You may sponsor this segment in the amount of $300 or $500.
CHAMPION PRIZES: The Champion cash prizes are provided by the NM State Fair, however, we look to provide additional prizes and this year, we are sending the First Place Champion onto to Laughlin, Nevada, to compete in Talent Quest, the largest international karaoke competition in the United States all expense paid ($1,000), the second place champion 75% all expense paid ($750) and third place champion 50% paid ($500). Could you imagine sponsoring this segment and have our first, second and third place champions win this amazing competition because of you? You may sponsor all ($2,250) or part of this segment ($1,000, $750, $500).
NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZES: Each night, we do a door prize drawing at the end of the Showcase. The contestant names are placed in a bucket, and one is drawn. That person will win the gift certificate or card that you donate. History has shown that many singers that won last year, are loyal to that venue even today. $50 minimum value required.
T-Shirts for Qualifiers and Staff
T-SHIRTS FOR THE STAFF AND QUALIFIERS: Providing all the contestants and staff with T-Shirts is amazing. You may include your business name and logo on the shirts as an official sponsor. A total of 150 shirts are needed for this sponsorship or $1,650.
ADDITIONAL ADMIN COSTS: During the Showcase season the Call Me Ozz admin works overtime and double time processing all the reservations and requests and creating the website for the upcoming season. This is an additional cost of $3,500. You may sponsor all or part of this segment in $50 increments.